Trident puts information in the palm of your hand

Imagine having your plant production data at your fingertips, even if you don’t have internet access. Now Trident Automation offers you that ability with the new Trident Workbench mobile app. Whether you use iOS or Android, the goal of the mobile app is to help customers leverage functionality remotely for their Trident Workbench Suite. This includes functionality like data collection, reviewing reports, trending and monitoring existing production processes all in the palm of your hand. In addition, the best part about it is this functionality is available free of charge with an active software subscription for the Trident Workbench Suite.
“Our customers have been asking to go paperless, and this is the best way to meet that need,” said Shane Seif, Director of Software Development for Trident. “The Trident Workbench app can be used tethered or untethered to access the full range of functionality in the Trident Workbench Suite.”
Regardless of your DCS platform, the app provides access to information previously unavailable in a mobile environment. Whether you are tethered to a network connection to review real-time production data or simply syncing data in an untethered manner to take a tablet out in the field and record data, the Trident Workbench mobile app can help you do it all.
“For example, if our customer is planning to be out of the plant for the day, they can simply sync their device putting all their production reports at their fingertips without the need for a browser or live internet. Alternatively, if they do have network connectivity, they can monitor all their plant data in the palm of their hand in near real-time, just like they were in the plant.” Seif said.
There are similar tools available on the market, but the Trident Workbench app interfaces with any major DCS provider and brings all functions of the production system together in one solution.
For more information on the Trident Workbench Suite of software, please contact [email protected].
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